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Reproduction biotechnology

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Preferred term

lexinfo:fullFormFor: PGC's

lexinfo:termType: forme développée

primordial germ cells  

Entry terms

  • Information

    lexinfo:abbreviationFor: primordial germ cells

    lexinfo:termType: abbreviation

    Subject: Biologie de la reproduction



  • The germ cells of the developing gonad are large, oval cells which possess a nucleus of very round contour. Both the nucleus and cytoplasm retain a densely granular appearance. It has been demonstrated that in vertebrate embryos the primordial germ cells originate extragonadally and lodge in the genital ridge after an extensive migratory tour. (Source : INRA)


  • Development biology
  • Reproduction biology

Alternative label (skos-xl)

preferred label (skos-xl)

In other languages

  • Information

    lexinfo:gender: féminin

    lexinfo:partOfSpeech: nom

    lexinfo:fullFormFor: CGP

    lexinfo:termType: full form

    lexinfo:number: pluriel

    cellules germinales primordiales


  • cellules reproductrices
  • Information

    lexinfo:abbreviationFor: cellules germinales primordiales

    lexinfo:termType: abbreviation

    Subject: Biologie de la reproduction



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