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Concept information

Preferred term

intermediate polar  


  • In astronomy, an intermediate polar (also called a DQ Herculis Star) is a type of cataclysmic variable, binary star system with a white dwarf and a cool main-sequence secondary star. In most cataclysmic variables, matter from the companion star is gravitationally stripped by the compact star and forms an accretion disk around it. In intermediate polar systems, the same general scenario applies except that the inner disk is disrupted by the magnetic field of the white dwarf. The name "intermediate polar" is derived from the strength of the white dwarf's magnetic field, which is between that of non-magnetic cataclysmic variable systems and strongly magnetic systems. Non-magnetic systems exhibit full accretion disks, while strongly magnetic systems (called polars or AM Herculis systems) exhibit only accretion streams which directly impact the white dwarf's magnetosphere. (Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,

Broader concept

Entry terms

  • DQ Her binary
  • DQ Her binary star
  • DQ Herculis binary
  • DQ Herculis binary star

In other languages

  • French

  • binaire de type DQ Herculis
  • étoile binaire de type DQ Herculis
  • étoile polaire intermédiaire
  • étoile variable de type DQ Herculis


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