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Cognitive psychology of human memory (thesaurus)

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color-word contingency learning task  


  • Implicit learning task. "In the typical color-word contingency learning paradigm, participants respond to the print color of words where each word is presented most often in one color. Learning is indicated by faster and more accurate responses when a word is presented in its usual color, relative to another color." (Schmidt et al., 2018, p. 658).

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Bibliographic citation(s)

  • • Schmidt, J. R. (2021). Apprentissage incident des associations simples de stimulus-réponse : revue de la recherche avec la tâche d’apprentissage de contingences couleur-mot: L’Année Psychologique, Vol. 121(2), 77‑127.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: closed]

  • • Schmidt, J. R., Augustinova, M., & De Houwer, J. (2018). Category learning in the color-word contingency learning paradigm. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 25(2), 658‑666.

    [Study type: empirical study / Access: open]

  • • Schmidt, J. R., Crump, M. J. C., Cheesman, J., & Besner, D. (2007). Contingency learning without awareness : Evidence for implicit control. Consciousness and Cognition, 16(2), 421‑435.

    [Study type: empirical study / Access: closed]


  • Frank Arnould

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