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Psychologie cognitive de la mémoire humaine (thésaurus)

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phénomène > phénomène de la mémoire > amnésie du crime

Preferred term

amnésie du crime  


  • Perte, réelle ou simulée, du souvenir d’avoir commis un crime.

Bibliographic citation(s)

  • • Jelicic, M. (2018). Testing claims of crime-related amnesia. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, 617.

    [Type d'étude : revue de la littérature / Accès : ouvert]

  • • Mangiulli, I., Otgaar, H., Curci, A., & Jelicic, M. (2020). An experimental investigation of the misinformation effect in crime‐related amnesia claims. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 34(5), 1092–1100.

    [Type d'étude : étude empirique / Accès : ouvert]

  • • Mangiulli, I., Riesthuis, P., & Otgaar, H. (2022). The memory-undermining effect of simulated crime-related amnesia and its legal implications: A review. Psychological Injury and Law, 15(2), 213–226.

    [Type d'étude : revue de la littérature / Accès : ouvert]

  • • Zago, S., Preti, A. N., Difonzo, T., D’Errico, A., Sartori, G., Zangrossi, A., & Bolognini, N. (in press). Two cases of malingered crime-related amnesia. Topics in Cognitive Science.

    [Type d'étude : étude empirique / Accès : libre]


  • Frank Arnould

Dataset citation(s)

  • • Mangiulli, I., & Otgaar, H. (2020, November 18). Crime-related amnesia and Misinformation.
  • • Romeo, T., & Otgaar, H. (2018, April 15). Denial-Induced Forgetting: The Memory Impairing Effects of Simulated Amnesia for a Mock Crime.

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