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process > cognitive process > memory process > survival processing

Preferred term

survival processing  


  • The processing of stimuli (e.g. words) according to their value in a context of ancestral survival.

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Bibliographic citation(s)

  • • Bonin, P., & Bugaiska, A. (2014). « Survivre pour se souvenir ». Une approche novatrice de la mémoire humaine : la mémoire adaptative. L’Année Psychologique, 114(3), 571–610.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: open]

  • • Bonin, P., Thiebaut, G., & Méot, A. (2024). Ratings of survival-related dimensions for a set of 732 words, their relationships with other psycholinguistic variables and memory performance. Current Psychology, 43(9), 8200–8218.

    [Study type: empirical study / Access: closed]

  • • Cook, A. M., Klin, C. M., & Westerman, D. L. (2023). Surviving with story characters : What do we remember? Memory & Cognition, 51(6), 1303–1316.

    [Study type: empirical study / Access: open]

  • • Nairne, J. S. (2010). Adaptive memory: Evolutionary constraints on remembering. In B. H. Ross (Ed.), Psychology of Learning and Motivation (Vol. 53, p. 1–32). Academic Press.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: closed]

  • • Nairne, J. S., Thompson, S. R., & Pandeirada, J. N. S. (2007). Adaptive memory: Survival processing enhances retention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 33(2), 263–273.

    [Study type: empirical study / Access: closed]

  • • Schwartz, B. L., Howe, M. L., Toglia, M. P., & Otgaar, H. (Eds.). (2013). What is adaptive about adaptive memory? Oxford University Press.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: closed]

  • • Scofield, J. E., Buchanan, E. M., & Kostic, B. (2018). A meta-analysis of the survival-processing advantage in memory. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 25(3), 997–1012.

    [Study type: meta-analysis / Access: open]


  • Frank Arnould

Dataset citation(s)

  • • Cook, A. (2022, November 3). Surviving with Story Characters: What Do We Remember?
  • • Dewhurst, S., Anderson, R. J., O’Connor, R., & Dean, G. (2023, January 17). Survival processing and picture memory.
  • • Forester, G. (2020). Adaptive memory: Independent effects of survival processing and reward motivation on memory [Data set]. OSF.
  • • Nieuwenstein, M., Hansen-Manguikian, L., Yildirim, B., & Ainsworth, S. (2021). Understanding the survival processing advantage for memory [Data set]. OSF.
  • • Rummel, J., Kroneisen, M., & Wöstenfeld, F. O. (2019). Survival processing and serial recall [Data set]. OSF. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/U5MK3
  • • Saraiva, M., Garrido, M. V., & Pandeirada, J. N. S. (2019). Survival processing effect in L1 and L2 [Data set]. OSF.
  • • Scofield, J. E., Buchanan, E. M., & Kostic, B. (2016). A Meta-analysis of the Survival Processing Advantage in Memory [Data set]. OSF.
  • • Surviving in a second language: Survival processing effect in memory of bilinguals. (2020). [Data set]. Taylor & Francis. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.13186584.v1
  • • Wang, J. (2018). Survival processing and production effect [Data set]. OSF.
  • • Wöstenfeld, F. O., Suhaib, A., Kroneisen, M., & Rummel, J. (2019). Does the survival processing memory advantage translate to serial recall? [Data set]. Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.2593683

Editorial note

  • An example of a survival scenario (Nairne et al., 2007, p. 264) : "In this task, we would like you to imagine that you are stranded in the grasslands of a foreign land, without any basic survival materials. Over the next few months, you’ll need to find steady supplies of food and water and protect yourself from predators. We are going to show you a list of words, and we would like you to rate how relevant each of these words would be for you in this survival situation. Some of the words may be relevant and others may not—it’s up to you to decide."

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