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Cognitive psychology of human memory (thesaurus)

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phenomenon > memory phenomenon > output interference

Preferred term

output interference  


  • A memory phenomenon observed when retrieving specific items reduces the probability of retrieving the remaining items.

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Bibliographic citation(s)

  • • Criss, A. H., Malmberg, K. J., & Shiffrin, R. M. (2011). Output interference in recognition memory. Journal of Memory and Language, 64(4), 316–326.

    [Study type: empirical study / Access: closed]

  • • Peixotto, H. E. (1947). Proactive inhibition in the recognition of nonsense syllables. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 37(1), 81–91.

    [Study type: empirical study / Access: closed]

  • • Smith, A. D. (1971). Output interference and organized recall from long-term memory. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 10(4), 400–408.

    [Study type: empirical study / Access: closed]

  • • Tulving, E., & Arbuckle, T. Y. (1966). Input and output interference in short-term associative memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72(1), 145–150.

    [Study type: empirical study / Access: closed]


  • Frank Arnould

Editorial note

  • For example, in an experiment by Smith (1971, Experiment 1), participants are asked to study words that are exemplars of different semantic categories. They are then asked to remember the words using the name of each category as a cue, given 30 s or 60 s for the recall per category. The results show that mean word recall decreases as a function of the position of the category cue in the recall sequence: the later the cue is presented, the fewer exemplars of the category are remembered by participants.

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