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Cognitive psychology of human memory (thesaurus)

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  • "Prosopagnosia means inability to recognize faces, the term deriving from the Greek prosopon (face) and gnosis (knowledge), and refers to a condition that was first observed as a consequence of brain lesions (acquired prosopagnosia). The term is also used to refer to a graded but clearly disproportionate difficulty to recognize faces in the absence of a neurological damage (developmental prosopagnosia)." (Lahiri, 2020, p. 479).

Broader concept

Entry terms

  • agnosia for face
  • face blindness
  • facial recognition agnosia

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Bibliographic citation(s)

  • • Barton, J. J. S., Davies-Thompson, J., & Corrow, S. L. (2021). Prosopagnosia and disorders of face processing. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 178, 175–193.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: closed]

  • • Bodamer, J. (1947). Die Prosop-Agnosie: Die Agnosie des Physiognomieerkennens. Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten, 179(1–2), 6–53.

    [Study type: empirical study / Access: closed]

  • • Lahiri, D. (2020). Prosopagnosia. Cortex, 132, 479.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: closed]

  • • Quaglino, A., & Borelli, G. (1867). Emiplegia sinistra con amaurosiguarigione-perdita totale della percezione dei colouri e della memoria della configurazione degli oggetti. Giornale d’Oftalmologia Italiano, 10, 106–117.

    [Study type: empirical study / Access: closed]

  • • Rossion, B. (2022). Twenty years of investigation with the case of prosopagnosia PS to understand human face identity recognition. Part I: Function. Neuropsychologia, 173, 108278.

    [Study type: empirical study / Access: closed]

  • • Rossion, B. (2022). Twenty years of investigation with the case of prosopagnosia PS to understand human face identity recognition.Part II: Neural basis. Neuropsychologia, 173, 108279.

    [Study type: empirical study / Access: closed]


  • Frank Arnould

Disorder of

In other languages

  • French

  • agnosie de reconnaissance des visages
  • agnosie des visages
  • cécité aux visages


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