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Cognitive psychology of human memory (thesaurus)

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Concept information

disposition > cognition > memory > associative memory > conjunctive memory

Preferred term

conjunctive memory  


  • Memory integrating into a unique representation the characteristics of an object (its shape, size, color, size, etc.).

Broader concept

Entry terms

  • conjunctive binding

Belongs to group

Bibliographic citation(s)

  • • Mayes, A., Montaldi, D., & Migo, E. (2007). Associative memory and the medial temporal lobes. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 11(3), 126-135.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: closed]

  • • Moses, S. N., & Ryan, J. D. (2006). A comparison and evaluation of the predictions of relational and conjunctive accounts of hippocampal function. Hippocampus, 16(1), 43-65.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: closed]


  • Frank Arnould

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