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Cognitive psychology of human memory (thesaurus)

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phenomenon > memory phenomenon > subsequent memory effect > negative subsequent memory effect

Preferred term

negative subsequent memory effect  


  • Greater activation in a region of the brain during the encoding of a stimulus that is later forgotten (and lower activation in a region of the brain during the encoding of a stimulus that is later remembered).

Broader concept

Entry terms

  • nSM
  • reversed subsequent memory effect
  • subsequent forgetting effect

Belongs to group

Bibliographic citation(s)

  • • Kim, H. (2011). Neural activity that predicts subsequent memory and forgetting: A meta-analysis of 74 fMRI studies. NeuroImage, 54(3), 2446-2461.

    [Study type: meta-analysis / Access: closed]

  • • Otten, L. J., & Rugg, M. D. (2001). When more means less: neural activity related to unsuccessful memory encoding. Current Biology, 11(19), 1528–1530.

    [Study type: empirical study / Access: closed]


  • Frank Arnould

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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Created 12/4/17, last modified 3/27/23