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Cognitive psychology of human memory (thesaurus)

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disposition > cognition > language

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  • "Natural function, specific to human beings, which enables communication based on semantic representations, and which serves as a support for thought." (Le Ny, 2002, p. 152).

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Bibliographic citation(s)

  • • Le Ny, J.-F. (2002). Langage. In G. Tiberghien (Éd.), Dictionnaire des sciences cognitives (pp. 152–153). Armand Colin.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: closed]

  • • Spector, B. (2018). Le langage. In T. Collins, D. Andler, & C. Tallon-Baudry (Éds.), La cognition : Du neurone à la société (p. 314‑370). Gallimard.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: closed]


  • Frank Arnould

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