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Psychologie cognitive de la mémoire humaine (thésaurus)

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Concept information

disposition > cognition > mémoire > mémoire de travail > mémoire transsaccadique

Preferred term

mémoire transsaccadique  


  • Mémoire temporaire permettant de conserver et traiter les informations visuelles pendant les saccades oculaires.

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Bibliographic citation(s)

  • • Frost, A., Moussaoui, S., Kaur, J., Aziz, S., Fukuda, K., & Niemeier, M. (2021). Is the n-back task a measure of unstructured working memory capacity? Towards understanding its connection to other working memory tasks. Acta Psychologica, 219, 103398.

    [Type d'étude : étude empirique / Accès : ouvert]

  • • Frost, A., Tomou, G., Parikh, H., Kaur, J., Zivcevska, M., & Niemeier, M. (2019). Working memory in action : Inspecting the systematic and unsystematic errors of spatial memory across saccades. Experimental brain research, 237(11), 2939‑2956.

    [Type d'étude : étude empirique / Accès : fermé]


  • Frank Arnould

Dataset citation(s)

  • • Bays, P., & Kong, G. (2021, May 24). Transsaccadic integration relies on a limited memory resource.

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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Created 8/23/21, last modified 9/4/23