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Cognitive psychology of human memory (thesaurus)

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Concept information

disposition > cognition > emotion

Terme préférentiel



  • "Emotions describe a complex set of interactions between subjective and objective variables that are mediated by neural and hormonal systems, which can (a) give rise to affective experiences of emotional valence (pleasure-displeasure) and emotional arousal (high-low activation/calming-arousing); (b) generate cognitive processes such as emotionally relevant perceptual affect, appraisals, labeling processes; (c) activate widespread psychological and physiological changes to the arousing conditions; and (d) motivate behavior that is often but not always expressive, goal-directed and adaptive." (Kleinginna & Kleinginna, 1981, p. 355).

Concept générique

Référence(s) bibliographique(s)

  • • Christophe, V. (2019). Les émotions : Tour d’horizon des principales théories. Presses universitaires du Septentrion.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: open]

  • • Conty, L., & Dubal, S. (2018). Émotions. In T. Collins, D. Andler, & C. Tallon-Baudry (Éds.), La cognition : Du neurone à la société (p. 518‑562). Gallimard.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: closed]

  • • Dixon, T. (2012). “Emotion”: The history of a keyword in crisis. Emotion Review, 4(4), 338–344.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: open]

  • • Fiske, A. P. (2020). The lexical fallacy in emotion research: Mistaking vernacular words for psychological entities. Psychological Review, 1, 95–113.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: closed]

  • • Gendron, M. (2010). Defining emotion: A brief history. Emotion Review, 2(4), 371–372.

    [Study type: conceptual analysis, historical study / Access: closed]

  • • Głomb, K. (2022). How to improve eyewitness testimony research: Theoretical and methodological concerns about experiments on the impact of emotions on memory performance. Psychological Research, 86(1), 1–11.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: open]

  • • Izard, C. E. (2010). The many meanings/aspects of emotion: Definitions, functions, activation, and regulation. Emotion Review, 2(4), 363–370.

    [Study type: conceptual analysis / Access: closed]

  • • Kaplan, R. L., Van Damme, I., Levine, L. J., & Loftus, E. F. (2016). Emotion and false memory. Emotion Review, 8(1), 8–13.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: closed]

  • • Keltner, D. (2019). Toward a consensual taxonomy of emotions. Cognition & Emotion, 33(1), 14–19.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: closed]

  • • Kensinger, E. A., & Ford, J. H. (2020). Retrieval of emotional events from memory. Annual Review of Psychology, 71, 251‑272.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: open]

  • • Kleinginna, P. R., & Kleinginna, A. M. (1981). A categorized list of emotion definitions, with suggestions for a consensual definition. Motivation and Emotion, 5(4), 345–379.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: closed]

  • • Lemaire, P. (2021). Émotion et cognition. De Boeck Supérieur.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: closed]

  • • Malezieux, M., Klein, A. S., & Gogolla, N. (2023). Neural circuits for emotion. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 46, 211–231.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: open]

  • • Mulligan, K., & Scherer, K. R. (2012). Toward a working definition of emotion. Emotion Review, 4(4), 345–357.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: closed]

  • • Paul, E. S., & Mendl, M. T. (2018). Animal emotion: Descriptive and prescriptive definitions and their implications for a comparative perspective. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 205, 202–209.

    [Study type: conceptual analysis / Access: open]

  • • Retkoceri, U. (2022). Remembering emotions. Biology & Philosophy, 37(1), 5.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: open]

  • • Sander, D., & Scherer, K. R. (Eds.). (2019). Traité de psychologie des émotions. Dunod.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: closed]

  • • Sharma, P. R., Wade, K. A., & Jobson, L. (2023). A systematic review of the relationship between emotion and susceptibility to misinformation. Memory, 31(1), 1–21.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: closed]

  • • Tyng, C. M., Amin, H. U., Saad, M. N. M., & Malik, A. S. (2017). The influences of emotion on learning and memory. Frontiers in Psychology, 8.

    [Study type: literature review / Access: open]


  • Frank Arnould

A pour méthode(s) d'étude

Note éditoriale

  • There is no consensus on a definition of what an emotion is.



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