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Paleoclimatology (thesaurus)

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  • The Aftonian is the first interglacial stage of the Pleistocene in North America, corresponding to the Günz-Mindel in the European Alps ; from Afton, Iowa (local term). The Pleistocene prior to the Illinoian stage (the Pre-Illinoian) had previously been subdivided into the Nebraskan, Aftonian, Kansan, and Yarmouthian stages (ages). However, detailed studies of these stages revealed that the assumptions and criteria on which they were defined proved to be wrong to such a point that these stages became meaningless in terms of the actual glacial–interglacial record. (Adapted from: and Moureau M. & Brace G. (2000). Comprehensive Dictionary of Earth Science - Dictionnaire des Sciences de la Terre. Paris, Technip.)

Entry terms

  • Aftonian interglacial
  • Aftonian interglaciation
  • Aftonian Stage

In other languages

  • French

  • interglaciaire aftonien
  • interglaciation aftonienne
  • interglaciation de l'Aftonien


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