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Paleoclimatology (thesaurus)

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  • The Wisconsin Glacial Episode, also called the Wisconsin glaciation, was the most recent glacial period of the North American ice sheet complex. This advance included the Cordilleran Ice Sheet, which nucleated in the northern North American Cordillera; the Innuitian ice sheet, which extended across the Canadian Arctic Archipelago; the Greenland ice sheet; and the massive Laurentide Ice Sheet, which covered the high latitudes of central and eastern North America. This advance was synchronous with global glaciation during the last glacial period, including the North American alpine glacier advance, known as the Pinedale glaciation. The Wisconsin glaciation extended from approximately 75,000 to 11,000 years ago, between the Sangamonian Stage and the current interglacial, the Holocene. The maximum ice extent occurred approximately 25,000–21,000 years ago during the last glacial maximum, also known as the Late Wisconsin in North America. This glaciation radically altered the geography north of the Ohio River, including in time the creation of the Great Lakes. At the height of the Wisconsin Episode glaciation, the ice sheet covered most of Canada, the Upper Midwest, and New England, as well as parts of Idaho, Montana, and Washington. (Adapted from:

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  • Wisconsinan glaciation
  • Wisconsinan Stage
  • Wisconsin Glacial Episode
  • Wisconsin glacial Stage
  • Wisconsin glaciation
  • Wisconsin Stage

In other languages

  • French

  • glaciation du Wisconsin
  • glaciation Wisconsin
  • glaciation wisconsinienne
  • stade Wisconsin
  • stade wisconsinien


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