Description of "Insert a 'ConceptScheme' class in a SKOS/RDF-XML file" service
Files containing "skos:Concept" or "ConceptScheme" type "rdf:Description" are processed by this service.
This service inserts two classes at the beginning of a SKOS/RDF-XML file:
- A "cc:License" class with the default CC-BY 4.0 Creative Commons license that should be changed if the resource is released under a different license.
- A "skos:ConceptScheme" or "rdf:Description[rdf:type[@rdf:resource='']]" class with:
- an URI derived from concept identifiers;
- properties for metadata to be completed / modified by the user at the output file level:
- English, French and Spanish titles (dc:title),
- English, French and Spanish descriptions (dc:description),
- English, French and Spanish subjects (dc:subject),
- creator name (dc:creator),
- license name (cc:license),
- English, French and Spanish names of organization / institution to which the resource must be attributed (cc:attributionName),
- web site of organization / institution to which the resource must be attributed (cc:attributionURL),
- top-concepts (skos:hasTopConept) if the resource is highly structured,
- resource languages as calculated from language tags of preferred labels of concepts (dcterms:language with lexvo/ISO 639-3 code attribute),
- creation date (dcterms:created),
- last modification date (dcterms:modified),
- version (owl:versionInfo).