Description of "Transform a CSV file whose separator is a semicolon into a SKOS-XML file" service

This transformation allows to generate a SKOS file from a spreadsheet (Excel, LibreOffice, etc.) saved as CSV and whose separator is a semicolon. The input file must:

If the file is generated from LibreOffice, use the "Save As" menu and choose the semicolon as separator.

Example of CSV file:

The data is transformed as follows:

In addition, the transformation also inserts two blocks at the beginning of the XML file:

If the concepts do not have identifiers, the default URI of the resource is "http: //www.mysite/vocabs/ABC". It is also the root of the URI of concepts, relationships and possible collections. It must be replaced as follows:

At the concept level, the URI is a concatenation of the resource's URI with a unique identifier; at the collection level, the URI is a concatenation of the resource's URI with the group name by replacing the spaces with "_".

Example of a concept record:

Examples of collections:

To switch to ARK identifiers, use the transformation "Assign ARK identifiers to a valid SKOS/RDF-XML file".

List of labels to be used ("prefLabel" is mandatory):

Terminological data Label to use (xx = 2 digit ISO code for language) Comment
Preferred label prefLabel_xx A "preflabel_en" is expected.
Alternative label altLabel_xx
Hidden label hiddenLabel_xx
Definition definition_xx
Note note_xx
Scope note scopeNote_xx
Editorial note editorialNote_xx
History note historyNote_xx
Change note changeNote_xx
Example example_xx
Broader term broader_xx A "broader_en" is expected.
Related term related_xx A "related_en" is expected.
Group (collection) group_xx A "group_en" is expected.
Exact match exactMatch
Close match closeMatch
Broad match broadMatch
Narrow match narrowMatch
Related match relatedMatch

Replace "xx" by 2 digit ISO code for language; example "prefLabel_en" for the English preferred label. See list of ISO 639-1 codes.