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Zoological Nomenclature (thesaurus)

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Concept information

ending > genitive ending

Preferred term

genitive ending  


  • Code: 1) The letters at the end of a species-group name which, if the name is the genitive case of the name of one or more persons, or a place, host or other entity associated with the taxon, form the genitive case and reflect the gender and number (e.g. -i if of a man, -ae if of a woman, -orum if of men or of men and women together, -arum if of women). 2) The letters at the end of the genitive case of a Latin or Greek generic name which are deleted to form a stem, before adding a suffix to form a family-group name.

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  • 2017

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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Created 10/28/20, last modified 11/23/20